I was a survey party chief during construction of the Trans-Alaska Oil Pipeline. We all worked hard and got along with each other pretty well. But this one crew foreman was kind of a hard a** and got on the bad side of a lot of people.
One day in the middle of the winter after a moderate snowfall, the snow plows were busy pushing the snow off the work pad. Plenty of shusshing and beeping as they worked back and forth. Everything was just kind of business as usual for such a day.
Mr. Hard A** headed for the (special self contained, all "material" combusted, ecology friendly, smells like burning you-know-what) porta john. One of the very alert snow plow operators decided it was time to make a statement. He quietly and without calling undue attention began assembling a large mound of snow near that porta john. Then, after he had what he deemed to be enough for the job, he quietly pushed it right up to the door of the porta john with Mr. Hard A** in it.
When exit time came, first we could hear a bit of pushing and shoving. Then came a fair amount of pounding